Hey Pet Parents and Pet Lovers,
If you’ve been reading for a while, you’ll already know I’ve been giving updates about Beau’s chewing habits. Recently we made a number of changes in Beau’s life such as feeding him 2/3 of food instead of 1/2 and most recently we’ve brought it back to 1/2, but feeding a food that expands more in his stomach (Performatrin Ultra Lamb and Brown Rice).
It’s really difficult to find the exact feeding amount you should be giving your cat, especially if they have specific needs. For example. With 2/3 of food Beau was not eating cloth and plastic, but he did become very inactive. He started lying around the house instead of playing and showed very little interest in actually making an effort to run or exercise. This is extremely troublesome to me as Beau is usually a very active cat (one who likes to play on his own and run around the house). Yesterday I started feeding Beau less again, but alas he started chewing on my bed sheets again. Honestly it’s extremely embarrassing to show you what the bed sheets look like, but I’ll probably upload a picture soon (my significant other is currently sleeping.)
I have made the decision to feed Beau a tiny bit more. Hopefully this will be the perfect balance of more food without making him gain weight or make him feel lazy. Tomorrow will be the first day I feed Beau 1/4 of BLUE Salmon and Sweet Potato and 1/3 of Performatrin Ultra Lamb and Brown Rice. Hopefully that will do the trick! Considering how playful he was tonight (now that his food was cut back) I hope he continues being playful even with this slight increase of food.
I’m also considering buying some bitter apple or bitter cherry spray. I tried them at work and man are they gross. My worry is that Beau wouldn’t want to sit in our bed anymore or that he wouldn’t actually get the taste if it’s not sprayed all over the sheets. My other worry is that he won’t relate our bed sheet to ALL cloth items. We want to make sure he doesn’t chew on kleenex, or towels, or clothes, etc anymore and if the spray only deters him away from the bedsheets… well then it’s pretty much useless!
Either way. Anyone else have a cat with a chewing issue? What did you do?