My oh, my! It’s been a crazy busy week here at the pets overload home! We’re almost fully moved in. Still lots of boxes to unpack and I can’t remember if the last move was this tiring! So let’s take a breather and have a caption contest! What is Beau saying in this one?
And now, for the winner of last week’s contest… the winner is… Crystal and Daisy Mae with:
Work? More Work? You mean I have to do more work? You promised I didn’t have to do more work after once I finished my work.. You kitty promise breaker you. Kitty Paw Slap, Kitty Paw Slap. Bad Human Bad Human kitty paw slap, kitty bite paw slap.
Congrats, congrats, congrats!! We can’t wait to see what you all come up with this week.