Hey Pet Parents & Pet Lovers,
Yesterday we took our little one to the vet to celebrate his 2-weeks post op! Yay Beau! We’re so happy with his speedy recovery and can’t wait to get his stitches out next week, celebrating his 3-weeks of being home.
I was really nervous about the staple removal procedure as I have never experienced staples before (not even for humans!) And to be quite honest, I chose not to do too much research on it as I didn’t want to cause myself more anxiety. We’re so far into the process that taking out staples can’t be as risky as putting Beau under or either of his surgeries.
Let me tell you if you’re a pet parent who is currently dreading staple removal. Don’t. The process was actually extremely quick and painless. The vet, vet-techs and students got Beau onto his back, holding him back to make sure he didn’t kick. The vet went in and removed all 9 of his staples.
Beau remained calm as the staples were being removed. He was quiet, but about halfway through a lil’ pup in the back started to bark which caused Beau to shake. (I think that’s one of the most stressful things about being at the vet as a pet. Having other animals around when you’re in a compromising position; since you don’t know how far they are or if they have access to you.)
The vet continued the procedure making sure to talk to Beau as everything was happening, consoling him and making him feel safe.
Honestly, I think the whole thing took about 5-minutes (or at least it felt like it.) Beau was back on his four feet in no-time and started actually looking for the source of the barking (being the curious kitty that he is.) He was energetic and ready to go! Surprising to me, because I was ready for: you’re going to need pain medications, and make sure you put ointment. But nada!
Beau just has to remain on his cone when we aren’t around. We’re allowed to let him play now, and so we’ve busted out Da Bird! You can also tell Beau has been itching to play since he’s been a little more vocal at night and keeps running around the house on his own. We’re very excited to see this… although it does mean he’s starting to run away from his cone… C’mon Beau! We’re keeping you safe!!