Hey Pet Parents And Pet Lovers,
Today is going to be a different blog as I’m not talking about Beau. (I know! It’s a surprise!) I thought I’d talk about another family member that you might not have known I have! His name is Blub. Blub is a Fancy Betta fish that I got about a month ago. We thought we’d adopt a little friend for Beau to entertain him while we’re not home or while we’re sleeping. (Seriously, the chewing and Pica is too much!)
We knew Beau wasn’t going to kill Blub because I had played him a series of YouTube videos involving fish. Beau was interested in fish videos, but didn’t attack the screen (as he had done with bird videos.) So we thought, well… seems to be a safe choice!
Beau and Blub have since hit it off. Blub has a number of toys he can hide in if he gets too scared from Beau watching intensely.
Blub lives in a Aqueon 2.5g Bow LED Light Kit, Mini which seems to be a good size for him. He’s also extremely active and has been blowing huge bubble nests at the top of his tank!
Honestly, it’s so good to see the little guy happy and excited to have a better home. Watching him live inside a small Betta cube was just too sad!
I know it sounds super cliché, but I’m so excited to start a new adventure with a new pet! I also can’t wait to learn about fish in general!