Hey Pet Parents & Pet Lovers
A few months ago Beau ended up peeing on a number of our things, so we went in search for a great cleaner and found Nature’s Miracle Advanced Stain And Odor and while it’s a great product, it’s not necessarily my favourite.
Nature’s Miracle is meant to clean all forms of animal mess (including faeces, markings & urine) and is meant to remove pheromones to prevent re-soiling. It can be used on multiples surfaces including carpets, wood, furniture, clothing… basically anything! Personally, I’ve used this product on my couch, Beau’s carrier, our tile floor, and my backpack.
My favourite thing about this product is… it actually works! Beau has peed in his career multiple times (especially as we have to travel by public transit to get to the vet and unfortunately… Beau is terrified of the subway. Since we visit different vets based on their availability and how much experience they have with certain conditions. (Especially since Beau has Pica and apparently not a lot of vets know what that is… or know how to treat it. Odd, right?)
For a while, we couldn’t understand why Beau didn’t like his carrier, but we actually narrowed it down to regular soap didn’t remove the smell/pheromones from the urine and he could still smell it. As soon as we used the product, Beau wouldn’t fight as much to get into his carrier and would happily sit inside. For this, I am extremely grateful.
Nature’s Miracle was also good when cleaning the floors in our house. We used a spray bottle on our couch and we used it in a mop bucket on the floors and both were effective. It’s just… the smell is so terrible! At first, it’s decent, but when you use it frequently.. man does it smell! I had to use Nature’s Miracle on my backpack when Beau had a UTI (as it was the object he would pee on to let me know he wasn’t feeling well.) I used it about 3 times on the backpack (making sure to also rinse it to get the smell of Nature’s Miracle out) but the scent is still there. I actually can’t use my backpack anymore because the smell is too strong. It’s really bad… I could smell it even when it was by my feet.
If it’s used in open spaces (such as floors), it doesn’t usually have the same effect on me. I can handle it. It’s just objects that you use daily, or objects that you would hold close to your body. The smell dissipated from our couch after a few days, which is good… I just wish it would leave my backpack. I’ve even tried spraying other scents on top to make it bearable, but that just made it worse.
From working at the pet store I do know that the formula was changed and that it did used to smell better, but man oh man… I hope it did!
In conclusion, I would recommend Nature’s Miracle to folks who aren’t sensitive to sent as it is honestly a really great cleaning product, but I would strongly recommend not using it on clothes or frequented objects.
How about you? Have you used Nature’s Miracle before? Do you use another product that may be better? I heard Scout’s Honour is pretty amazing!