Hey Pet Parents & Pet Lovers,
It’s been a long time coming, but the Pets Overload family has found a place to call their… “almost forever home.”
Over the two years we lived in our old apartment we have debated moving several times. Unfortunately, we were living in a no-pet policy condo (which unlike most renting situations, was actually enforceable due to the condo rules made by the board.) We had been hiding Beau for those two years, and while we never got caught or ran into issues (because he’s our ESA), we thought it was time to start new in a place where we didn’t have to fear losing the most precious part of our family.
My hubby and I started looking for places in late November, with our main priority being: finding a place that will allow us to keep Beau.
After months of hunting and some craziness, we found the apartment of our dreams.
It’s much smaller than our old place, so we were a bit nervous about it (since Beau is a huge runner, and I work primarily from home), but the past week living here has been a dream.
As is with all moves, we were also worried Beau would have a really long warming period, especially because when we moved to our old place he didn’t leave from hiding under the covers for 3 days.
This was 100% not true of this move. Somehow, Beau fell in love with the place immediately. He marched around the condo as if it was his own territory and has been spending lots of time watching cars drive by and birds zoom across our windows.
As you can see… he was no help when it came to unpacking. He made sure he was always sitting on the things I needed, but… that’s Beau for you!
I’m so happy to be moved, and in the new place! I just can’t wait for everything to be out of boxes and for us to pay off the expenses we still have, because as soon as that happens… guess what we’re getting? ANOTHER KITTY! So be ready for the Pets Overload family to expand!
My sister has requested I show her our new place in pictures, so I’ll be writing a post on my personal blog about the new place. If you’re interested in that post it should be out later this week (when I have everything out of boxes and have cleaned up the place), but please note that my blog doesn’t always have PG language and I can cover some non-conventional topics.