Hey Pet Parents & Pet Lovers, I thought I'd give you a small update on our Aquafarm which has been Flub's house for the past week or so! So, Flub is still alive!! This is extremely exciting to me as I haven't had fish before Blub. Flub seems to be taking to the Aquafarm, but some things about it leave me concerned. For example: The water is still orangey-brown. It has … [Read more...] about My First Thoughts on the Aquafarm
Introducing our new fish: Flub!
Hey Pet Parents & Pet Lovers, Something unexpected happened in my life recently! Due to an unforeseen surrender my significant other and I became the proud parents of another Gill Baby! As you may know, around a month ago we adopted our first fish Blub! Blub has been a great addition to our family. He's an energetic Betta who has helped keep Beau entertained, … [Read more...] about Introducing our new fish: Flub!