Hey Pet Parents & Pet Lovers,
Kalista is an interesting kitten. Although she does a lot of hiding, she also does quite a bit of peaking her head into places she shouldn’t be.
For example everytime my partner comes home, she gets so excited to see him (even if he’s gone for 30-minutes) and runs out into the hallway to stretch out by his feet. Although rare, she has done this a few times with me and I’m terrified that one day I’m not going to notice her run out and I’m going to leave her out there by mistake!
You see, Kalista is fairly stealth. A lot of times you don’t notice she’s around because of how quick and quiet she is. So, don’t be overly surprised if I have to write a post about how our kitten snuck out, just like our ol’ pal Misty did a few years back.
Kalista’s curiosity is most seen when we open doors to rooms she’s not usually allowed in, like the laundry room or my closet. These doors are usually sealed during the day, but Kalista has somehow found a way to open them. My closet is fairly easy since we had to break off the doorknob when we first moved in. (The doorknob was jammed and it seems the owner before us installed the doorknobs backwards making it only possible to open from the inside with a credit card or lockpick.) But, somehow she’s started to open doors with working doorknobs and I don’t even know how.
While I wasn’t there, I truly believe she’s the culprit who opened my office door while I was at work. Since it’s happened about 3 times, but I can let out a sigh of relief knowing our new windows have screens.
I think Kalista’s favourite place to sneak in is our laundry room. It’s the room we open the least often and it has two large playgrounds for her to sniff around. This is also the place where Kalista gets locked in the most. She could be sleeping on her cat tree or playing with her toys in the living room, but as soon as she hears the laundry door open, she’s already hiding behind a basket or sitting her cute self in one of the machines. Oddly enough, she’s never made it on top of a machine, but I need to be grateful since I don’t know how I’d be able to get her from behind the machines.
I’ve tried training Kalista to stay out of “off-limit rooms” I enter, and have really focussed on training her to not run into the hallway, but it seems her curiosity overpowers that. While I’ll keep trying and share tips with you that I learn, she really puts a whole new meaning to “curiosity killed the cat.”
Never in my years of being a pet owner have I met such a curious cat, especially such a curious cat who is so afraid of humans. How is she so certain that someone’s not going to be in the hallway and if there is a stranger will she immediately dart back into the apartment?
Who knows, all I know is that she’s an adorable handful who I’m grateful to have.
Sorry I haven’t been posting as much. My work caught up to me and I’m trying to take more time for myself when I have time off. Winter break comes in 6 more weeks and I’m excited to have reached the hump of my semester. I’m looking so forward to cuddles and hot chocolate with the kitties. (Well, the hot chocolate for me, and not them!) Here’s to counting the days down to Winter Break!