Hey Pet Parents & Pet Lovers,
As mentioned in my previous posts about Basepaws (including Getting Beau’s DNA Checked (Basepaws), A long-awaited update on BasePaws (Cat DNA Test) + A FREE Gift Raffle for the kits, BASEPAWS: Our DNA is now being Sequenced) I promised to give you updated about our Basepaws experience.
Where we left off last time:
On June 18th, 2018 we were told we would have our results in about 6 weeks, and it has only been about 4, which is great news. The following is the e-mail I received:
Your CatKit (#######) has been sent for sequencing.
Finally! We know this took a long time but we are excited to say you cat’s DNA samples have been carefully extracted and processed, and are now sent to be sequenced and prepared for delivery. The results will be available in a week in your basepaws account.
THANK YOU for your support and patience – your cat’s DNA gets us one step closer to knowing more about feline health and habits. Basepaws is committed to a lifetime of breakthroughs in cat health, for your cat and ours.
The odd thing about this is… I got two e-mails with different numbers. I mean, it might not be so weird because we did have to send them 2 samples (because of the DNA that was lost originally), but it’s still odd. I am however very excited about the results we will be getting in a week. The other thing is… I thought that they were sequencing my results the last time they e-mailed me? So if any Basepaws folks are reading this, I would highly suggest changing your wording because at the moment the wording sounds like you’re doing the same thing that you were doing before. (Anyone else agree?)
Either way, I will let you all know by next week if we get the results and if we do, what they are.
Just a heads up, I got the e-mail 7/16/2018. I’m just posting this article a bit late.