Hey Pet Parents & Pet Lovers,
I thought I might change up the way that I do these photo dumps and maybe give you a bit more information about our pet’s weeks instead of just one sentence updates. Let me know how you like it!
This week we had a mini mishap with Beau getting another UTI. He seems to be doing a lot better and actually finishes all his medications today, so I will be setting up a visit with the emergency vet just to make sure he’s fully clear now. My fingers are crossed for him.
We’ve been making sure he has some time off his cone, and he’s been happier, but the little bugger can’t stop trying to lick his incision site. Little guy, we have to make sure you’re top notch!
The cone isn’t keeping him from doing what he wants to do, which is a good sign. I know the last time he was in the cone he didn’t want to move at all, but he’s playing lots and watching Kalista do her thang!
Gary has been amazing! We had a minor scare because he didn’t seem to want to eat the hay we bought him (which is odd because it’s the same type of hay he came with) but we noticed the texture was a bit different. I guess hay is similar to wet food in the way that every batch has its differences.
That scare disappeared as soon as took the cats out of the room. I guess he’s not much of an eater if other animals are around, and we’re going to try leaving the cats outside for more time during the day so he can have some peace and quiet. It’s all a learning process for us, and we’re just glad we’ve been very alert to his needs and have been doing lots of research in how to make his life better!
He’s such a cutie, and I’m so happy to have him in our lives. He just has to take another bath… look at that hay he got on his face!
Kalista and Beau have been spending more time together. They’ve actually started sleeping on the same chairs and sometimes we catch them cuddling! Kalista is still being a bit of a brat and hitting Beau if he gets too close, but I think that’s going to pass soon. He’s a great big brother, and has even started trying to clean her. (Well when he’s of his cone of course!)
Look at him watching out for a sleeping Kalista <3
We’ve been making sure to pet them both while they’re close together to make sure they understand that the other isn’t a harm. I’m super proud of the progress they’ve made, and I’m actually a bit shocked with how much they have gotten along since it can take up to a month (if not more) for cats to get along!
Kalista wants those belly rubs as always 😉
I’ve been falling in love with her Spaghettio face and can’t get over how pretty she is! We’ve lucked out on two of the cutest cats <3
Kalista spent a lot of time in her box last week, but we’ve had to remove it since… Sadly this was the shelf that Beau decided to pee in and it seems like it stressed him out since it’s also the first place he peed blood in. I’m wondering if it’s actually the root of his stress (since it’s her safe space), but he also peed in his own bed… so maybe it was just to let us know something was wrong. Maybe we’ll try to reintroduce the shelf later on, but for now… we’re just going to do without! (Let me know if you have any experience with this, I’d love to hear!)
I’m sure Kalista misses her safe space, but she’s been spending more time sleeping on the couch with Beau or by my feet while I work. Oh! Update! She’s been sleeping in bed with us and Beau! The cutest ever! <3
We’re so happy to have her in our lives and really couldn’t ask for a better cat. Obviously she comes with some stresses, but it’s all worth it at the end of the day!
Been loving taking pictures with the Lensbaby that my sister so graciously gave me. My hubby still isn’t a huge fan of the blur it gives, but I think it looks super cool! Playing with lenses is REALLY fun and I’m glad I have little ones to model for me 😉
Hello miss cute face! Are you a little explorer?
Well, that was what our week was like! How was yours?