Hey Pet Parents & Pet Lovers,
This week my partner has been extremely sick, meaning that he’s been home all week. Although for me that means taking care of my partner and making sure that whatever he has doesn’t get worse, it means the exact oppositeĀ for that cats.
Kalista, in particular, has been very happy that my partner has been home. Even though she’s starting to bond more with me, there’s nothing cuter than watching her push herself into my partner until he pets her. She’s been spending less and less time in her cat tree, which is clearly her favourite spot in the apartment and can only be found nestled in by my partner’s legs.
I’m sure I’ve mentioned it before, but Kalista isn’t usually the biggest fan of sleeping near us. She’s not much of a lap cat and not very into sleeping in our bed. I will say, I do think she’s getting more and more comfortable with us because I woke up to her sleeping by my legs a few days ago, but seeing her never leave my partner’s side as he’s sick has been one of the sweetest sights to see. Words cannot describe how happy I am to see our little cutie becoming closer and closer to our family.
Beau also hasn’t left my partner’s side. He’s been spending all of his time laying on the back of the couch, reaching down to touch my partner every so often. What’s even more hilarious is the fact that Beau doesn’t wake my partner up in the morning to feed him (even though my partner is usually the one to do it since he’s the first to wake up.) Instead, Beau marches himself to the bedroom to wake me up to make sure that my partner gets some extra sleep. Isn’t that crazy adorable?
To be honest, I don’t know if I’m talking my cats up too much or if they truly understand the fact that my partner is sick, but it has made me want to do more research into it.
Hopefully, my partner gets better very soon so he and the cats and join me in bed again for family cuddles, but until then… do any of your cats do the same thing when you’re sick? Let me know in the comments below!