PHOTO DUMP: Do All Kitties Look this Cute when they Hide? March 4, 2017 By Johnny Salib Leave a Comment Our week always starts with a visit to my mother and Walker… And in true Walker tradition… he always sits close to my mom hoping that she will give him nibbles… After Lunch we always have a little game of cat mouse 🙂 This week we also bought Flub a new tank! Blub is still chillin’ like a villain in his tank. Beau has some pretty intense eyes, eh? But when he’s not being intense he’s being a little sleepy cutie!! Especially his soft paws… Until you wake the beast up! But cranky kitty is actually still cute kitty… especially when he comes running to say hello! But don’t approach him too fast cause he gets scared! But once he gets to know you, he’ll be all cuddly with you!