It's been a while since I last had the opportunity to chase the cats around the apartment and get photos of them doing the things they do best (which pretty much means watching them lay around and do nothing!) (This blog is going to feature all the photos I took of Beau since there were way too many of all of the pets to upload into one post. Much more to come!) This past … [Read more...] about Leaving Our Cats & Chinchilla with My Mother for over a Week (Loads of Cute Cat Photos)
Photo Dumps
Taking Some Time Just to Be Grateful for My Pets (Cute Cat & Chinchilla Story with Pictures)
Hey Pet Parents & Pet Lovers, Some weeks you just get extremely lucky and get two days off of work because the weather is just so bad. That week was this week. I got to spend the time with all of my furry babies and man, oh man was I ever grateful for it. These past two days, Kalista has been getting even more attached to me than usual. She's been spending about … [Read more...] about Taking Some Time Just to Be Grateful for My Pets (Cute Cat & Chinchilla Story with Pictures)
We Got Some Adorable Homemade Catnip Toys From Our Friend! (Cute Cat Photos & Video)
Hey Pet Parents & Pet Lovers, This weekend we got an adorable gift from one of our friends who volunteers for the Forgotten Ones Cat Rescue here in Richmondhill, Ontario. Michelle is the incredible volunteer who helped us adopt Kalista in May and we're so ever grateful for her presence in our lives. As soon as we opened the package Kalista came running into the … [Read more...] about We Got Some Adorable Homemade Catnip Toys From Our Friend! (Cute Cat Photos & Video)
When Your Cats Just Don’t Care Anymore (Cute Cat Story)
Hey Pet Parents & Pet Lovers, It's been good being off work these past few days and I've definitely been clocking in some good time with the cats, and let's just say... I've got some great shots of them just not caring anymore. You know when you first get a cat and they are on their best behaviour? Well... not really their best, but their "I'm kind of scared to be … [Read more...] about When Your Cats Just Don’t Care Anymore (Cute Cat Story)
Kitties, I miss spending time with you!
It's been another busy week in the Pets Overload household, but with the second week of classes done, I think I'm starting to get the handle of how my schedule works. Beau and Kalista have returned to fairly normal. Spending lots of time in their Meowfia beds. It was nice to have today off so I could take pictures of my little ones. It feels like forever since I last … [Read more...] about Kitties, I miss spending time with you!
Kalista are you being a naughty and sitting on the table again? (Cat Photos)
Hey Pet Parents & Pet Lovers, It's been a very busy week for daddy again, but I did get lots of pictures of our cuties while I was home and not running around like a chicken with my head cut off! This week, our babies decided to stay close to me whenever I was home, since I guess they didn't get enough daddy time! Beau's actually starting to stand/sit on my desk … [Read more...] about Kalista are you being a naughty and sitting on the table again? (Cat Photos)
Cats Are You Sleeping Together Again? (Cat, Chinchilla & Betta Fish Photos)
Hey Pet Parents & Pet Lovers, This week I was able to get a number of photos of our little ones and my, my some of them are absolutely adorable! Starting off the Saga strong with these two cuddle bugs sleeping together in the same bed! How cute, eh? The sweetest thing is, they did it all by themselves and I didn't even notice they did it at first! <3 Loving how … [Read more...] about Cats Are You Sleeping Together Again? (Cat, Chinchilla & Betta Fish Photos)
Kitties are you enjoying the sun? (Cat Photos)
Hey Pet Parents & Pet Lovers, As you already know, it's been a bit of a rough week for us, so there aren't too many photos to share this time around. Beau has, in fact, started eating more, which is great news, but it doesn't mean we aren't worrying about him. We've noticed that Kalista is getting a lot more interested in Beau's food and we're wondering if that's … [Read more...] about Kitties are you enjoying the sun? (Cat Photos)
I See Two Besties Taking Care of Each Other! (Loads of Cat & Kitten Photos)
Hey Pet Parents & Pet Lovers, As always, we like to wrap up our week with loads of photos of the pets and you're going to get a sneak peek of what our place looks like in this post! If you haven't already, head over to my personal blog if you want to see what it looks like empty! But we're so happy to be here now! Beau is still being a bit of a trouble case.. … [Read more...] about I See Two Besties Taking Care of Each Other! (Loads of Cat & Kitten Photos)
Kitties Get Ready! We’re Moving Soon! (Cat & Betta Fish Photos)
Hey Pet Parents & Pet Lovers, Friday came by so fast. Today is the day we get the keys to our new place. So, it's about time we get the kitties ready for the move. I know Beau should be fine, especially because he did so well on our last move, so I'm not too worried about him. Kalista, on the other hand, maybe a bit more tricky. She will probably take a few days … [Read more...] about Kitties Get Ready! We’re Moving Soon! (Cat & Betta Fish Photos)