Hey Pet Parents & Pet Lovers,
If you asked me last year what I thought about cat beds, I would have told you… they’re overpriced and I don’t care for them “my cats sleep anywhere”. While I still believe that so many pet products are not worth your time or money, I have to say… I’m still so very happy with the meowfia beds we were sent a few months ago. I promise you I wasn’t paid and this isn’t sponsored in any way shape or form, but these beds have been a bit of a godsend.
I mentioned a few posts ago that Kalista has been tucking herself to stay warm and I can confirm that yup she’s cold! We’re still trying to sort out how to keep our apartment warm and have been looking into purchasing a portable oil heater in the meantime, although my worry would be leaving it on while I’m out of the apartment. In the meantime, I ended up puffing out the meowfia beds, placing them both in the office and the cats started fighting over them!
It seems like they’re a bit territorial with them, meaning that if Beau sees Kalista in one, he wants to sleep in it and vice versa. I guess in this case, placement is everything. I can confirm that the cats have spent the majority of the past two days in their beds and Beau has started to completely ignore his original standard pet bed.
The cats have been spending about 2-hours at a time snoozing away in their beds before getting up, stretching their legs and walking around the apartment. They still spend a good amount of time cuddling together on the couch, but whenever one is playing alone the other is in their bed.
I’m really glad I was introduced to the world of wool cat caves and feel confident in recommending them to folks who are in colder countries. I’m actually curious to try out different ones and see what they prefer. Right now it seems like the cats have switched things up and Beau is spending more time in the larger cat bed and Kalista is spending more time in the smaller one. Not only that, it seems like the cats are no longer trying to flatten out the beds to sleep on top, they’re consistently sleeping inside.
If you have any other recommendations of beds I should check out or ways to make the apartment warmer I would appreciate it. We will be trying to keep our energy/electricity outputs as low as possible (as both my partner and I are eco-conscious) and are looking for ways to warm up one room at a time (so even when we finally figure out how to fix our central heating we don’t have to rely on it.)
For now, it’s been blankets for the humans, cuddles and beds for the cats. Luckily it doesn’t seem like that cats are overly cold as their ears and tails are still warm, but we still don’t know what the rest of the winter is going to bring.