*This photo of the Thai-colored Plakat Betta was published on Kachen Worachai’s Facebook page
I often wonder what are the world’s most expensive animals and how much they are sold for, and I’m sure you’ve had similar thoughts.
It’s a well-known fact that some animals are sold for tens of thousands of dollars. Though I didn’t think that Bettas were going to sell anywhere near that price, I had to know what the world’s most expensive Betta fish was and why.
Bettas come in all shapes and sizes, some are sold for prices as low as $5, but would it shock you if I told you that the world’s most expensive Betta fish was sold for around $1500 USD only a few years back.
This sale was made by Kachen Worachai through a private Betta Fish auction group on Facebook. Sources state that the auction was speedy, rising by hundreds of dollars by the day.
So why was this Betta Fish so expensive?
Well, this Thai-colored Plakat Betta had such prominent colours, although it was fairly clear that the fish would not stay these elegant colours because it was starting to marble.
If you’re not very well versed in Bettas, some Bettas have something reffered to as a “marble gene” that was created by Orville Gulley while in prison.
While Orville was breeding fish to create a Black Butterfly Betta he discovered the marble gene. The “marble” fish he bred were sent to Walt Maurus and other breeders who took these extravagant fish and began further breeding them.
The “Marble Gene” isn’t very dominant, so marble fish are quite rare and usually must have two parents with marble genes to get the “perfect mix.”
It can take multiple generations of fish to get the fish to be the colour that the breeders want, and a lot of times the new colour doesn’t fully breed true.
So, with all that information, you can understand why this beautiful fish was so expensive! Are you surprised now?
How much would you be willing to spend for a beautiful Betta Fish?