Have you ever been jealous of how much your cat gets to relax? Does it seem like your cat sleeps all day and only wakes up to eat? I know we have a running joke in our household that the cats need to think about getting a job to help pay the bills, or at least put some effort into cleaning/taking care of the apartment. So, what is it that makes cats so lazy or “tired” all of the time? Is their laziness the reason for the term “cat nap”?
How Much Does A Cat Need To Sleep?
Unlike humans who average around 8-hours of sleep a day, cats average between 13-16 hours of the day. This means that cats spend more than half the day sleeping on average. I wish that could be my life!
Do Indoor Cats Sleep More than Outdoor Cats?
That they do! Although the amount of sleep commonly depends on the age of the cat, sleeping habits and patterns are co-related to how much stimulation they receive. Think about it like this. When you’re bored around the house, what do you usually do? Lounge around, take a nap, maybe even sleep early. Well, the same thing can be said about cats! If cats aren’t stimulated enough they will common begin dozing off leading to the ever so common “cat nap.”
Are cats who sleep more, less healthy?
Yes and no. At the end of the day, it all has to do with your cat’s activity levels. If your cat is merely tired because they’ve done a lot of running during the day you have absolutely nothing to worry about, but if your cat is beginning to pack the pounds or is acting lethargic you might be in a bit of trouble. Cats who don’t get enough exercise are at a higher risk of developing diseases such as diabetes as there is a strong correlation between inactive cats, obesity and diabetes. Also, note that it is not “weight” we are speaking about as a cat’s height and build are huge factors to what a healthy weight should be. If you are concerned about your cat’s activity level or weight I would highly recommend speaking to a vet to get a more accurate answer.
How Active are Cats in the Wild?
Cats in the wild spend about 85% of their day sleeping. As cats do most of their hunting at night, they spend most of the day hiding from their predators.
I Noticed My Cat Wakes Up at the Slightest Sound, are you sure they’re sleeping?
Yup! Cats spend only around 15% of their sleeping time in deep sleep, otherwise, cats will sleep lightly so they can flee if a predator comes their way. During these “cat naps” cats will be able to get up and run within a matter of seconds, which is very impressive.
How Can You Tell the Difference Between Deep Sleep & A Cat Nap
You can tell your kitty is sleeping when their body is limp or totally relaxed. Your cat may also twitch or have rapid eye movements. We can safely assume that as soon as a cat begins twitching and experiencing “REM” sleep that they are dreaming. When you wake up a cat who was experiencing REM sleep, they will commonly take a while to wake up and may have trouble opening their eyes. The great thing about this type of sleep is that it proves the fact that your cat feels safe around you.
So How Do I Keep My Cat Active When They Are Awake?
Well, this is going to depend on the type of cat you have. Our cats love to be stimulated by active feather teaser toys like Da Bird! We are also huge fans of feeder toys and puzzle toys to keep our cat’s minds stimulated. There are also plenty of passive toys to leave around the house such as tower tracks, springs, string toys and our all-time favourite the slimcat ball!
So, at the end of the day cats need to sleep a whole bunch. It’s never a problem unless your cat is sick or is just not stimulated enough. So, I’m curious…. how much does your cat sleep? Let me know in the comments below.