When I was growing up I was taught that you should have a maximum of 3 eggs a week. If you ate more than 3 eggs a week you would be at risk of high cholesterol and that was a definite "must-avoid" in our family. As I grew older and learned more about diet and nutrition, I learned that this "egg fact" was in fact false. Now, it's not to say that my parents were liars, … [Read more...] about Can Cats Eat Eggs? Are Eggs Safe for Cats to Eat?
Pet Care
Can Cats See in the Dark? Understanding Cat Eyes
Growing up there were a lot of "cat facts" thrown around that had little merit, though they always had some sliver of truth. One of the most notorious examples of a "cat fact" is that "cats are all female and dogs are male." While this "cat fact" is clearly not true, in many languages dog uses a masculine article and cat uses a feminine, which I'm certain is where my confusion … [Read more...] about Can Cats See in the Dark? Understanding Cat Eyes
Do Cats Like to Be Kissed? How to Show Affection to Your Cat
When I was growing up, we didn't have any pets. My mom wasn't a fan of the mess pets made, and my dad insisted that even though pets are lovely, they will inevitably hurt you by biting or scratching you. Years later, my whole nuclear family has pets. It's a bit shocking, but it's a true testament to how much animals can and influence your life for the better. The reason … [Read more...] about Do Cats Like to Be Kissed? How to Show Affection to Your Cat
Can Cats Eat Sweet Potato? How About in Kibble?
When it came to selecting a cat food for our little ones, we went through dozen upon dozens of ingredient lists to make sure that we were feeding our cats food that was considered safe and suitable for them. Along the way, we learned about fillers like rice, wheat-related products, soy and a filler that became extremely popular after I became a pet parent, sweet potato. In … [Read more...] about Can Cats Eat Sweet Potato? How About in Kibble?
Can Cats Eat Chocolate? What to Do If Your Cat Eats Chocolate
Chocolate is by far one of my favourite treats, especially if the chocolate has peanuts or hazelnut in it. With the holiday season right behind us, I've realized how much chocolate our whole family goes through. With the celebrations of Valentine's Day, Easter, Halloween, Hannukah, Birthdays and Christmas, my partner and I alone have received and consumed tens of thousands … [Read more...] about Can Cats Eat Chocolate? What to Do If Your Cat Eats Chocolate
How Much Do Dogs Sleep? Does My Puppy Sleep Too Much?
Something you quickly notice when you're the owner or caregiver of a variety of animals is they all have their own sleep patterns, preferences and routines. Our chinchilla often chooses to sleep during the morning and throughout some of the night, but he is playful in the afternoon. Our cats sleep for about two-thirds of the day, and although they cuddle with us or … [Read more...] about How Much Do Dogs Sleep? Does My Puppy Sleep Too Much?
Why Does My Cat Chew on My Hair? Is Hair Safe for My Cat to Eat?
All of my cats seem to have weird habits and quirks. One of the most bizarre quirks I've experienced to this date is when one of my cats choose to bite, chew or lick my hair. I first experienced a cat chewing on my hair when our family cat, Walker, would sleep by my head. I would often wake up to Walker happily grazing on my hair as he purred, waiting for me to wake up. Was … [Read more...] about Why Does My Cat Chew on My Hair? Is Hair Safe for My Cat to Eat?
Can Cat Get Fleas in Winter? How to Prevent Fleas
I'm not the biggest fan of the winter. It's much too cold, and I find myself staying inside during the majority of my time off. Our cats seem to share a similar distaste for the winter, migrating away from our windows, choosing to sleep closer to the heart of our apartment and onto objects like our backpacks, laundry baskets, and at night they always sleep by our … [Read more...] about Can Cat Get Fleas in Winter? How to Prevent Fleas
Why Does My Cat Tear up Paper? Ways to Get Your Cat to Stop
When I first adopted Beau, I knew he had a lot of energy. Beau especially had bursts of energy at night when he would have been hunting on the streets or in my grandma's backyard. In the first few weeks, I had no clue that Beau had Pica, which caused Beau to chew on plastics and other non-food materials. Although we solved how to get Beau to stop chewing on plastics, it … [Read more...] about Why Does My Cat Tear up Paper? Ways to Get Your Cat to Stop
Why Do Cats Sleep with Their Eyes Open? Should I Be Worried?
My cats are continually changing their favourite locations to sleep, but one thing always remains true. My cats spend the majority of their days lazying about the apartment, always sleeping or relaxing. Whether it's on my backpack, on our chests, in our laundry baskets, by our heads, or their current favourite, by our feet, our cats will always find crazy places to … [Read more...] about Why Do Cats Sleep with Their Eyes Open? Should I Be Worried?