I know this post is so late and that we’re already midway through the third week with Stevie, but to be honest… any time I spend with Stevie is so focussed on Stevie these days.
Stevie has made huge leaps and bounds in our relationship and I’m happy to say that I think we’re best friends now!
Although Stevie doesn’t come running to the door as soon as I come in and shout “Stevie!” he does seem to be very excited every time he sees me coming up the stairs. It seems like Stevie needs a moment to remember who I am every time I come into the apartment or maybe that he just doesn’t recognize my voice. It might be because I don’t talk to him much while I interact with him, but I’m not 100% sure.
I walk into the apartment and announce that I am there in hopes of Stevie meowing or coming to me. In the second week, Stevie meowed 2 times to let me know where he was, but otherwise, I always found him at the top of the stairs waiting for me in his bed or his “cat box.”
Stevie hasn’t hidden from me at all over the past week. He did hiss at me once while I was coming up the stairs, but that was the only negative interaction we had. Even when Stevie hissed at me that time, he quickly recovered and started purring. I guess I just caught him off guard.
Upon seeing me, Stevie usually perks up and sticks his butt into the air. I always plop down a meter or so away from him and tap on the ground for him to come to me and every time he has. Unlike my cats, it seems like that’s one of the best ways to get Stevie’s attention, especially because he immediately starts rubbing his face on me.
Stevie loves attention. It might just be because his mom isn’t home at the moment, but I truly haven’t met a cat who likes as much attention as he does.
Kalista is a close second, but she gets overstimulated very quickly and begins biting, while Stevie wants at least 30-minutes of continuous petting all over his body.
Stevie likes his head being pet the most, though belly rubs are a very important part of his life. Stevie will take about 5-10 minutes of belly rubs before he wants his face rubbed again and we go into a vicious cycle of petting.
Between the moments where Stevie wants to be pet, he will go back to his bed and clean himself, often coming back to be pet within 2-minutes.
Today while I was petting Stevie he also started kneading me, which was a new addition to the mix. Stevie actually started taking threads out of my new sweater and as much as I’m a bit upset that he ruined it, it melted my heart.
You can tell that Stevie is a rescue who just wants to be loved. Something about him makes me always feel butterflies. He’s just so cuddly and genuine.
I was telling my partner the other day that Stevie makes me want to get a third cat.
Although, as mentioned in a previous post, we are not currently looking for a third cat and will be waiting until we move to our “forever home” Stevie made me realize how there are other cats like Beau out there.
It’s hard to write the next part without sounding ungrateful for Kalista, but I’ve always felt a bit of a disconnect with her.
I love Kalista very dearly, but the relationship I have with Beau is much stronger especially because Beau is a cat who loves to be around you and comfort you. Beau is extremely sensitive to his surroundings and will often be right beside me when he knows I’m being pulled through the wringer. It’s these traits that make me feel like Beau was meant to be my cat because as affectionate as Beau is with other people, he’s never as sensitive to them as he is with me (my partner included).
Beau is actually registered as my emotional support animal (ESA) and I have the biggest fear of losing him because I don’t know what I would do without him. He’s been there for me through some of the roughest parts of my life and quite frankly, my whole life changed when he was introduced to me.
As lovely and sweet as Kalista is, she is much too independent to be an ESA as she will often walk away from you in the moments that you need her the most. While she and I have some mega adorable moments when we are playing, I have to worry about my emotional wellbeing if we ever lose Beau.
Stevie has made me less worried about that though. Stevie has so many traits that are similar to Beau. The way he shows affection. The way he cuddles. The way he spends time with you. He’s honestly such a perfect contender for an ESA, even though we’re not fully bonded.
The newest thing Stevie has been doing is jumping onto my chest, especially when I’m laying on the couch. He’s been spending lots of time hanging around and sleeping on me. Quite frankly, that’s one of the sweetest things cats do.
Stevie has also been openly peeing and eating his dry food around me. It seems like I’ve fully won him over and he’s comfortable around me to do his own business.
I think my favourite thing about our new relationship is the fact that Stevie has been following me around the apartment. He walks by my legs and comes to sit downstairs with me, or will come sit with me by the window, there’s only one room it seems like Stevie doesn’t like to be in, though I can’t seem to figure out why.
Overall, it seems like Stevie’s general comfort levels with me are much higher. If anything, that’s what I’m most happy for. I’m also pleased that at this point I no longer need to initiate the interactions and that Stevie gets to choose if he wants to spend time with me or not.
Stevie is truly a special cat and I’m very glad that I’ve been getting the time to get to know him.