Hey Pet Parents & Pet Lovers,
I think all of us have fallen victim to the ongoing battle of whether dogs are better than cats and while I was always an animal lover, I don’t think I had a preference to either. I just know I wasn’t very interested in getting a fish, reptile or enclosed small mammal growing up because I loved the idea of being able to cuddle your pet. And while years later I realize that it’s not just cats and dogs who appreciate their pet parent’s existence, it was still my main priority.
For years I begged my mom for a pet and for years she said no, but I still did all of my research on what species and breed I would want to adopt as soon as I was allowed to get a pet. The majority of my friends told me I should get a dog since they are more cuddly and you can actually play with them. Little did they know I would end up with a cat like Beau.
You already know that Beau absolutely loves sleeping in bed with us, he loves sitting in our laps and what I may have forgotten to tell you is… he loves sitting in our arms like a baby. Beau spends a lot of time rolling around on his back you can see some pictures here. I don’t know where this habit comes from and I don’t know why Beau is so happy being held, but I assume it helps him feel secure.
In one lap sitting session, Beau may take a few shots at which position he really wants to be in and if you’re fed up with Beau moving around, you can pick him up and cradle him and he’ll sit still. Beau will commonly start purring and will fall asleep shortly after, just like a baby. It’s truly one of the sweetest little quirks about him.
If we’re feeling extra silly, sometimes we actually swaddle him and he just sleeps like a kitty burrito. Beau is quite an adorable cat!
How about you, pet parents? Do your cats like being held or cradled? What is their favourite position to sleep?