Hey Pet Parents & Pet Lovers,
It’s finally here! The first proper day off I’ve had in months! So, what did I do today? Cuddle in bed with my best furry friend Beau! As you may already be aware, Beau and I have been very close from the day we adopted him and I knew very quickly that he was meant to be my cat.
A few weeks ago I mentioned that Beau is a cuddle bug who especially loves to sleep in my arms or nestled up to my chest, and every morning I wake up nice and toasty because of him. The greatest part of this semester coming to an end is the fact that I can now sleep in. The main difference is, now if I sleep in I know Beau is going to be sleeping with me the whole time.
Before this semester there would still be some days where Beau would get up early and make his way to the couch to sleep or follow my partner around the house. As of late, Beau has been trying to spend as much time as he can. This includes time in bed. Today I did some proper sleeping in and Beau was nestled up between my legs and even when I tried to turn over, Beau found a space to sleep.
Sometimes I like to tease Beau and place him on the floor just to watch him jump back up to the bed to cuddle. This boy is so affectionate it’s not even funny! It’s honestly so shocking to be the pet parent of such a cuddly cat, especially because he’s always this cuddly even when I’m not around.
If you’re newer to the blog you may not be familiar with the snapchats our pet sitter sent us back when we were in England. They are a true testament to how loving Beau is, even with folks he doesn’t know very well. He’s a very special cat and I wish you were able to meet him!
Alright, back to cuddling my little guy! Be ready for more regular posts very soon! I hope to get myself back into schedule over the Winter Break until I figure out what my next semester looks like!