Hey Pet Parents & Pet Lovers,
Not too long ago I wrote a little piece about how Kalista has chosen my partner over me as “her human.” Well, I’m pleased to tell you that one of the cutest things happened while I was half awake this morning. You may already know that Kalista isn’t too much of a lap kitty. She’s not the biggest fan of sleeping with us in bed and would prefer being in her cat bed or the cat tree.
This morning at around 7 I woke up to Kalista walking on my chest in circles until she decided to lye down. Very odd behaviour for her, since again she’s not usually my #1 Fan. At first I thought she was Beau, but usually when Beau circles my chest I have to either force him to lye down or take him off completely since he’s a bit too heavy for me when standing up. Once my eyes were open, I could see a happy Kalista purring and rubbing her face against my hands.
So, I started petting her, trying to keep my eyes closed and get some extra sleep before I had to wake up for work. To my surprise, Kalista refused to let me sleep. She kept biting at my fingers until I pet her more and if I completely stopped she would move towards my nose and bite it. So, I picked up my phone to time how long Kalista wanted cuddles for.
Friends… Kalista and I clocked in 45 minutes of cuddles this morning. She must have decided that my partner was too tired to pet her or something, but I’m so glad that we had such a long bonding session.
I have to admit that even though I’m Beau’s human, I did feel a bit jealous that Kalista would only let my partner give her attention and it’s so funny that things changed so quickly. I guess at the end of the day if our little princess wants cuddles she’s going to get them and make sure that she gets all of her fix or she’s gonna bite!
As stuck up as Kalista can be perceived, she is a really big softie at the end of the day. She loves her belly rubs, she loves being pet on the head and it seems like she’s growing fonder of body to body contact. Hopefully, soon she’ll grow more fond of being picked up. But until then, I hope she starts visiting me in the morning for more petting and cuddling.
Kalista, even though I may not be your #1 human, I’m happy to give you the attention you want in the morning.