Hey Pet Parents & Pet Lovers,
It’s a bit funny that a couple days ago I posted about my hard drive crashing and how I was hoping things picked up for me… well, things did. In the past two days, I got offered 3 new courses to teach at different schools, so I’ve been spending a lot of time away from home. Now, I’ve always been a proud stay-at-home pet dad, but given the recent crazy events and our recent investment, I said yes to all the jobs. Thing is, I don’t think the cats are really taking me being away from them the best.
Beau has chosen to spend less time with me when I’m home. He’s usually the cuddly kitty who spends all the time he can sitting in my lap and getting nice and cozy, however, that’s no longer true. Beau has been spending more and more time sleeping near Kalista and actually spent a good amount of time sleeping in his Meowfia bed.
Then yesterday a terribly odd thing happened. Beau was sleeping in his Meowfia bed when Kalista got on top and started peeing on him. She completely soaked the bed and Beau and I had no idea why.
I had been home for about 30-minutes and was unpacking my backpack, getting ready to start writing lesson plans for the next day. The cats weren’t acting weird when I walked in and both of them came to greet me at the door. They also followed me to the washroom and sat by my feet when I washed my face, which is all normal behaviour for them. So why the peeing?
Normally when a kitty pees in a weird place I get worried and Kalista has been known to pee in weird places in the past. (When we first got her, we thought she had a UTI because she would pee in her sleep, but the vet chalked it down to her just being nervous in a new home.) So, why did Kalista pee on Beau? Was she mad he was using the bed? Was she asserting dominance? Was she stressed out? Was she trying to get my attention?
I don’t know if she was just stressed that I was gone for so long, and I sure hope that’s not the case since tomorrow (the day this is posted) I’ll be gone from 9AM-11PM. I’m actually trying to rearrange my day so that the cats aren’t home alone for that long, especially because I want to keep an eye on this weird behaviour.
Kalista aside, Beau had a minor relapse with the Pica yesterday as well. He ended up eating one of my t-shirts while I was sleeping. So, I have to get down to the bottom of what brought it on (since I was home at the time.) It might be time to start playing music for them when we’re gone since that’s helped in the past, but I think I may also try Feliway again. I’m still so wishy-washy with Feliway, especially because it never seemed to work with Beau, but I really don’t want me having a job to stress them out. That being said, my job only lasts for about 3 months before I have to see if they’ll resign my contract and my hubby’s only on the night shift for another 3 months… so even if we don’t crack down to the bottom of this it won’t be forever.
I’ll definitely keep you updated on what happens in the house, but let’s hope things return to normal soon. I hate it when my kitties aren’t doing tip-top.