Hey Pet Parents & Pet Lovers,
I have some sad news and some good news.
Unfortunately, Beau’s lesion is not gone yet. š We took him to the vet on Friday to remove the scabbing and underneath was a layer of weird skin. This skin is thicker than regular skin and wouldn’t bleed even when pierced. The vetĀ said there might be a few reasons for this: the infection is still there, the scab didn’t allow enough air/space for the new skin to heal properly, or the steroids caused the underlayer to not heal properly.
At this point, we still don’t know what may have caused the lesion or what more we can do (other than a surgery to remove the affected area and hope that it heals up fresh and new), but Beau is on an oral antibiotic (Simplicef) that is specifically for skin. The vetĀ has asked that we watch over him for another week to see if it begins to heal. If not, sadly we will have to think about sending Beau through another surgery. She also made some healthy pokes on the surrounding areas to make it bleed in hopes of making the area force heal.
Upon further inspection, we can definitely rule out burns, and ringworm. On first glances, it doesn’t seem like Beau has a parasite of any sort so there are no real tests we can put him through.
We’re just hoping and praying he gets better this week. I don’t think my heart can handle putting him through another surgery, especially as he just recovered from his Cystotomy & PU Surgery.
To me, it doesn’t look like the lesion is very serious anymore. It does look like it’s getting smaller, but I’m not a vet and I would never want to claim I know what’s happening in a situation I know nothing about.
Please, please, please keep Beau in your thoughts and prayers this week. We know you’ve been rooting for him and really appreciate it. If any of you have had experiences with lesions or may be able to give us some insight or advice please let me know. Thank you.
All Posts in this Series:
A Bit of Bad Luck: We found a lesion
December 5, 2017
An Update on the Lesion on our Cat Beau
December 17, 2017
Some okay news about the Lesion
December 22, 2017
Final Update about my Catās Skin Lesion
January 22, 2018