Hey Pet Parents & Pet Lovers,
It’s been a bit of time since I was last able to go over to my parents’ place and visit their cutie, Walker. Walker used to be featured in my weekly photo dumps until we moved terribly far away from my parents. The last time I got to see this cutie was probably in May, which is fairly hard for me to believe, especially because I used to see him a few times a week.
Currently, my cousin is babysitting Walker, since my parents are away travelling. It’s his first time experiencing taking care of a pet, and while Walker is a fairly independent cat who doesn’t need much… my mom managed to scare the poor guy!
He gave me a call and I promised I’d swing by every so often to take a check on Walker. Walker’s doing well! Just as suspected.
Walker is a bundle of energy. He’s best known for being extremely talkative, and he even chats throughout breakfast. For Walker, if you don’t hear him talking… something’s up! He’s either sick or is up to no good.
This time around it seems like Walker didn’t really mind me being around. I don’t know how much I’ve talked about it on the site, but Walker isn’t incredibly fond of me. A lot of it has to do with the fact that I’m the one who had to cut his nails and do other “nasty chores” like medications and what not when I used to live with him. Even now, I’m still grooming him whenever I’m around, although after just over 2 years of living apart from Walker my mom is starting to take the responsibility of cutting his nails.
I had the opportunity to cut his nails for my cousin since it seems like they had been left undone for a while… so I’ll be having a little talking to with my mother…
Other than that, nothing really to report on Walkers end. His energy is as high as always, he darted across her place the whole time and let me hold him for a very short period. No growling, no hissing, a bit of complaining. Much better than usual! At least I could get his nails done!
So Pet Parents, I’m curious. How many of you have a cat who avoids you completely because you have to groom them or give them their medications? Let me know in the comments below!