Hey Pet Parents & Pet Lovers,
It’s easy to forget things when you have a lot to deal with, which is unfortunate because all of this time we’ve been taking care of Beau, we forgot to celebrate his birthday.
Because Beau was a stray we don’t actually know when he was born, but we do know we met him when he was a very small kitten so we deemed November 1st his birthday.
About midway through this November, I realized… hey… isn’t Beau turning 3 really soon? And BAM, it hit me… we missed his birthday with all the kerfuffle and nonsense we had to deal with. So I’d like to take a bit of time to celebrate the two years he has been with us.
Beau has been the best addition to my life. He’s such a sweet and sincere kitty who always wants to be around, especially when I’m lonely or sad. For example, I was having a really rough night two days ago and hid my face under my pillow (as I sometimes do) and within seconds Beau walked right into the room and put his paw under my pillow to get at my face. He looked at me with those big round eyes as if to say “it’s going to be okay.” It’s moments like these that I love the most with Beau.
It really happened by chance that Beau came into our lives and I really appreciate my sister for letting me keep such an amazing cat. She constantly jokes that she’s going to kidnap him or take him if we move to England, but I don’t think I could ever let her do that. Beau and I have bonded so much and he really is like my child. Beau will always follow me around the house, he comes to bed every time I go to sleep, he sits on my lap while I work all day, and is excited to play almost anytime I bust out one of his favourite toys.
Although we’ve had some rough hiccups with Beau such as his Pica, his most recent operations, his lesion, the fact that he somehow got worms even though he hadn’t been outside in months (something that happened very early on), his battle with urinary health, and living with a cat that was overly dominant over him, we’ve made it through. Beau has proven time and time again that he is a strong cat who is ready to put up a fight. He was easy to train in all ways. For example: Anytime you tell him to drop something he will do it. Anytime he’s in a room he shouldn’t be, you can just call him and he will come. He’s so human-oriented it’s a bit freaky!
Beau is a cat who I would put everything on the line for. He has really become my best friend and my sidekick, and I’m glad that even though we’ve gone through a lot with him, he’s still the sweetest kitty who doesn’t take anything out on us. I’ve never seen Beau give up on anything he’s wanted, even if it’s to get into a place he hasn’t been before. He always finds ways of getting what he wants and needs.
A funny little anecdote. When Beau was first getting fed wet food he really didn’t like it. He would paw at the ground pretending to bury the food. After a few days of realizing that pawing at the ground doesn’t mask the scent or hide the food he ran to our laundry basket (which was in another room), he brought a sock in his mouth, put it on his food bowl and buried it. Now, obviously this isn’t ideal for a pet parent, but it was definitely one of the cutest things I’ve ever seen him do.
Beau can be very clumsy, so sometimes he misses ledges he tries to jump on, or he’ll fall when trying to get on my lap, but instead of walking away (which sometimes Walker does), Beau will keep trying until he’s purring on your lap. If you pick him up and move him, he’ll be right back on your lap. This boy knows what he wants, and gets what he wants.
My absolute favourite thing about Beau is the fact that he wants to sleep with me every night. His favourite spots being tucked in my arm while it’s in a “>” shape by my side, or by my neck, or sometimes he likes to little spoon me if I’m on my side. One morning I woke up and he was even trying to big spoon me. The boy doesn’t understand that that’s not really possible 😉
So here’s to you Beau. Happy 3rd birthday. Happy 2 years of living with us. Thank you for being such a big part of my life and I hope to spend a lot more time with you. You’re the greatest pet I’ve ever had. <3