As you may already know, I used to work at a pet store and I used to get some really tricky questions I had to answer. One question that kept coming up was "Can you use Dog Shampoo on Cats?" My response always started with, "Unfortunately, 'this can be a tricky question to answer' as it highly depends on the ingredients and brands." The safest way to answer whether … [Read more...] about Can You Use Dog Shampoo on Cats & Kittens? and What Happens If You Do?
Pet Care
Can Cats Understand us Humans? How many Words Can They Learn?
Hey Pet Parents & Pet Lovers, If you're anything like me you may frequently question whether your little one understands when you speak to them. I've personally trained Beau to come whenever we call him, just because he's a bit of a naughty kitty... If ever hear that he's getting into some trouble, I call him immediately and he comes running into whatever room I'm in. … [Read more...] about Can Cats Understand us Humans? How many Words Can They Learn?
Can Cats Have Too Much or Overdose on Catnip? How much is too much catnip?
Who isn't a fan of the nip? Well... actually... Beau and Avery aren't huge fans of the nip... but Walker is! Walker has always been a huge fan of catnip, and while we don't give it to him very often, we were wondering... Can cat's have too much catnip? I know while I was working at the pet store we debated this a lot, especially because different employees believed different … [Read more...] about Can Cats Have Too Much or Overdose on Catnip? How much is too much catnip?
Travelling? What kind of list should you leave your pet sitter?
Hey Pet Parents & Pet Lovers, We're leaving the country soon and it's time to leave another list of things to do for our lovely friend who has agreed to babysit our little ones. This time around I wanted to share my list of things to do with you folks to see if you think it's adequate or if you think more information should be added. Hopefully, my list will also help out … [Read more...] about Travelling? What kind of list should you leave your pet sitter?
How high can cats jump? (Cool Facts about these High Jumpers!)
I feel like this is one of the most common questions cat owners have about their little ones. When the hubby and I first moved in together we had to make sure that nothing made of cloth was in Beau's reach because he would chew on it due to his Pica. So we began questioning... how high can Beau actually jump? Why might this be important? Well if you're anything like us, … [Read more...] about How high can cats jump? (Cool Facts about these High Jumpers!)
How Long Can You Leave Wet Cat Food Out? How Long Can it Sit Out?
We recently switched our cat Beau and my mom's cat Walker onto a full wet food diet because they kept developing Urinary Tract Infections. Most recently Beau had a Double Cystomy and PU Surgery to help clear his bladder from all of the crystals that had developed. Due to the fact we had no problems with kibble before with cats before them, we never really tried supplemented … [Read more...] about How Long Can You Leave Wet Cat Food Out? How Long Can it Sit Out?
Can Cats or Dogs Drink Coffee? Is Coffee Toxic To My Pet?
We all want to be as safe with our pets as possible, and we've all spilt liquids or food on the floor when we're in a rush. So, here's the question: Is it safe for cats or dogs to lap up some of your spilt coffee? Short answer: No, it's not, but if it's consumed in a very small amount you're probably safe. Let me break it down for you: What's unsafe about coffee? Well, … [Read more...] about Can Cats or Dogs Drink Coffee? Is Coffee Toxic To My Pet?
Can Cats & Kittens Get Lyme Disease?
Hey Pet Parents & Pet Lovers, After last week's article about Pica I've been doing a lot more research on illnesses and sicknesses our little ones are susceptible to and thought... hey... can cats actually get Lyme Disease? So I thought I'd share the research I've done with you. Short Answer Yes, cats can get Lyme disease, but it is very uncommon. What is Lyme Disease … [Read more...] about Can Cats & Kittens Get Lyme Disease?
What is Pica in Cats & How Can I Help My Cat Stop Chewing?
Hey Pet Parents & Pet Lovers, As you may already know we used to really struggle with Beau and his Pica, but I'm happy to let you know that Beau hasn't chewed on anything abnormal in months! Let me give you a rundown on Pica, how you can spot it & what you can do to prevent your little one from eating your clothes and other foreign objects that may cause problems … [Read more...] about What is Pica in Cats & How Can I Help My Cat Stop Chewing?
A Bit of Bad Luck: We found a lesion
Hey Pet Parents & Pet Lovers, It has been a pretty rough month for us at Pets Overload, given Beau's health and recent operations. Well, that's not all... About a week ago we were petting Beau and felt a few bumps on his back. At first, we weren't too concerned because when we parted his hair it looked like he had a few scars that could have been from scratching too hard … [Read more...] about A Bit of Bad Luck: We found a lesion