Hey Pet Parents & Pet Lovers,
It’s been a long run, but I think I’ve finally won Kalista’s affection. I know, I know… I probably talk about this way too much, but it’s a sure sign that even cats that seem disinterested in you may grow to be loving towards you.
At first, it started as Kalista completely ignoring me, then it went to Kalista falling in love with my partner, then Kalista started following me around the house, and most recently she started to come up to me to get pet. Well, here’s the newest update…
This is something that Beau used to do all of the time before Kalista joined the family, and although he still comes to sleep in my lap sometimes… he does enjoy sleeping with Kalista more. (How dare he!)
Well, it feels extremely special to know that both cats are comfortable enough to sleep in my lap.
Kalista is very different than Beau though. Beau comes and starts sleeping immediately and he doesn’t seem to mind if you squirm around a bit. He can also sit on your lap for hours at a time, no joke!
Kalista, on the other hand, will only sit in my lap for about 2-minutes before squirming around and wanting to leave. She also takes a lot of time to get comfortable and actually sit down. I have absolutely no clue why it’s that way. Sometimes she doesn’t even lie down, she just walks around in circles and then pushes her head against my chin. I basically take that as a cue to pet her and give her some loving.
However, Kalista also still has a bit of a temperament. I think she’s just more interested in being around people, rather than being pet. She’s an extremely bitey cat which makes me feel like it may just be because getting pet is way too stimulating.
Well, other than that, there’s not a whole lot to report on! I’ll keep you updated though!
So Pet Parents, I’m wondering… what are your cat’s temperaments like? How have they changed over time?