Hey Pet Parents & Pet Lovers,
You may not be aware, but I recently finished “renovating” my office. By this I mean we ended up painting all of the walls, scrubbing the floors clean and are in the process of making the office more soundproof so I can start recording music in it.
Well, when it comes to soundproofing a recording space, a carpet tends to be a must… but what I didn’t realize was how a carpet in my office would make it extremely hard for me to get Kalista to leave.
Now, it’s not to say that I don’t love Kalista spending time with me, because I absolutely do, but when you’re recording there’s nothing worse than having a cat pawing at your doors or meowing to try to get your attention. That doesn’t usually make for good music, you know? It’s also extremely sad when Kalista starts pawing at the doors since they’re French doors I can see her cute little face begging to come in.
I mean, I should have seen it coming since Kalista always tries to escape our apartment so she can knead the carpet outside, but seeing Kalista scurry across the apartment everytime I open my office doors is adorable. It really doesn’t matter where she is in the apartment, her ears will perk up and she’ll bounce across the floor immediately getting to work.
I’ve been meaning to get more carpet in the house for her since she likes it so much, but at this point her cat tree has carpet, she uses our shoe mat, and also our bathmat… so why is she so keen on getting into the office to get at this carpet?
Kalista has even taken it as far as destroying my yoga mat by kneading it. A YOGA MAT! Yoga mats aren’t even a great material to get your nails into, but there are little shreds of it all over the apartment because she can’t get enough. What a silly cat! Even Beau has started to follow her lead and is using the yoga mat as a scratching carpet… the two of them are really inseparable amigos.
*Image from My Kitties are Break-In Artists
I think the sweetest thing about Kalista loving the carpet is the fact that she’ll stand and meow at the door every so often to try to get us to open the door (even if we’re on the same side of the door as her.) Not only that, but sometimes I leave the office door open for her and turn the lights off. When I come back to check up on her, even if it’s an hour later, she tends to be either sitting or standing in the corner of the room still on the carpet staring at me. My girl just has such a huge obsession with carpet.
My sister has recommended I get some faux fur rugs or pellets for my cats to knead in, and I’m starting to really debate it. I think Kalista would absolutely enjoy them, but it’s just a matter of where I’m going to place them. We’ll have to see. Until then, I’m glad Kalista is loving the carpet in the office… even if she does ruin a number of my recordings.
How about you? Anyone else have a cat who is absolutely obsessed with carpet? Let me know in the comments below!