Hey Pet Parents & Pet Lovers, It's been a bit of time since I last got to see this adorable furball. With all of Beau's procedures, we had to make sure he was in tip-top shape and we were spending all the time we could to watch him recover and make sure he didn't get into trouble. Visiting Walker was nice. It's great to see how well my mom has been doing with him, … [Read more...] about Visiting Walker on New Years
Thankful Thursday: Walker is Feeling Much Better
Hey Pet Parents & Pet Lovers, I know I didn't let you know that Walker wasn't doing so well this weekend but in the chaos of losing another family member, I didn't have time to write or even prewrite a posting about it. Walker was having a bit of trouble with peeing around Thursday, and so we immediately look to helping him get more hydrated and actually even switched … [Read more...] about Thankful Thursday: Walker is Feeling Much Better
Bothering My Kitten (Walker) Before Bedtime
Hey Pet Parents & Pet Lovers, About 3 years ago I adopted an adorable kitten named Walker. He used to love sleeping in boxes, and would only sleep in my room, but as he got older he became a lot more attached to my mother than me, which is one of the main reasons he now lives with her. Walker has always been a verbal kitty, so whenever he would come sit in my room I … [Read more...] about Bothering My Kitten (Walker) Before Bedtime
Thankful Thursday: Surviving the Heat Wave
This week has been sooooooo hotttt!!! But Walker and I are just so glad it's almost over. We spent time at my momma's house and even invited Rosie over to share some AC. Rosie sure doesn't seem to mind the heat... How do you do it? We're just so thankful it will be gone soon. … [Read more...] about Thankful Thursday: Surviving the Heat Wave
A Weekend with Walker
If you didn't already know we, unfortunately, lost Twitch last week. In her memory we had her buried in our family's yard and made a place stone and decorated her grave. Thank you everyone who sent their love and support for us. We really appreciate it and it really helped us at this time. Thank you for being so caring for our small pet blog and for us, we love you all … [Read more...] about A Weekend with Walker
Hello friends! It's that time again where we set up an awesome caption contest. This week we're featuring this adooorable picture of Walker. What's he saying folks? And for the winner of last weeks contest... the award goes tooooooooo.... Eastside Cats with: Housefly? I didn’t see any housefly, just a flying raisin….yum! That would totally be Rosie. She's always eating … [Read more...] about CAPTION CONTEST #4
Hallo Walker, Looking like a Pawdel!
Hello Walker, are you sitting on our chair as always? And Beau are you enjoying your chin rubs? Beau, you're just so sweet and we love you <3 He always waits for daddy to come home from work Is he home yet? And he loves sleeping in the sunlight! Walker just chilling on the the chair What a pose! … [Read more...] about Hallo Walker, Looking like a Pawdel!
Hello Rosie! You coming for a visit?
Hello Beau, did you have a good week? Spend lots of time sitting on the couch?Spent time watching the bird channel on your laptop? Oh and hello Rosie! How's it been going? Still super hyper and loving treats? TWITCH! Look at that whimzee your daddies found for you! It's bigger than you!! And of course Walker <3 Mr. First Kittie! … [Read more...] about Hello Rosie! You coming for a visit?
Walker, why you hiding again?
I had to start with this silly photo of Beau... Beau, why do you have your tail in your food? But as usual we visited little Walker this week! He definitely got spoiled with lots of petting! And when he was done with getting pet... he hid under the table :') Silly kitty! … [Read more...] about Walker, why you hiding again?
Spending time in bed with the kitty <3
Since last week I couldn't spend too much time with Beau, I spent lots of time cuddling him! Beau is pretty independent, but he's definitely a spoiled and affectionate kitty! He also has a cute habit of tucking himself into bed. (I need to get a video of this!) Get ready for your closeup ;) He's still stealing my chair as usual. I think we might need a bigger … [Read more...] about Spending time in bed with the kitty <3