Hey Pet Parents & Pet Lovers,
Since we first brought Beau in from the street we have done a whole lot of bonding.
Beau has always been a cat who loves sitting in my lap and has always loved to sleep with us, but this week he’s become a lot more attached to me than he has been in a while.
Since bringing Kalista home, Beau has become a lot more bonded with her and he will often choose to sleep or spend time with her rather than with us.
Now, that isn’t to say that Beau doesn’t spend any time with us, especially as he’s been enjoying the view from the window as of late, but he has been coming to sit in my lap more frequently.
Not only that, there was a day where I was covering myself with a blanket and he just kept crawling into it and wouldn’t stop purring at my feet. At first, I found this concerning because I didn’t know if he was trying to hide because he was sick, but it just seems like he wanted to be with me.
Now that the semester is coming to an end and I’ve been able to do more work from home I’ve been spending a lot of time on the couch working and Beau has started climbing into my lap as he used to when he was younger.
Last night was especially cute. I brought Beau to bed and placed him between my legs since he’s been sleeping there with Kalista as of late. Beau got up, I assumed to leave the room and go back to Kalista, but instead, he walked over to my head and slept right by me. He quickly changed his mind and realized that wasn’t close enough and rested his head on my shoulder and began purring.
Honestly, it was one of those moments that reminded me of how grateful I am for my pets.

It’s easy for me to forget how much my cats love us, especially as things get busier. Not only that, it’s hard to remember when they spend so much time together rather than with us, but Beau choosing to come to spend time with me more frequently made me remember how much we mean to him.
The other day my partner and I were sitting watching television and Beau jumped onto our coffee table. He stared at me for a good 30-seconds and you could see in his eyes that he made the decision to get up there so he could come to sit in my lap.
Beau stretched his body placing his paw on my leg and plopped himself into my crossed legs and started purring.
That was always common with Beau. He’s always been a cat who welcomes himself into any situation and honestly I don’t think he really cares who the person is since he bonded with our friend who babysat him almost instantaneously.
Beau is truly a special cat who I am very glad that we rescued, especially as we close off another mean Canadian winter.
This does make me curious though, for you who have cuddly cats do their cuddly sessions come in waves? Do you notice that different seasons make them want to spend more time with you or do you notice that it varies from week to week?
I wonder what the factors that are affecting Beau are because I’m telling you… this week he has been absolutely inseparable from me.
He’s been pushing himself into me, sleeping with me, sitting in my lap, hiding under the blankets, and just outright being a cuddle bug. What changed?