Hey Pet Parents & Pet Lovers,
We all have to admit that cats can be quite odd creatures. They have some weird instincts that we find adorable, such as kneading, coming to the same spot while they are hungry, or lying down on paper and they have some weird instincts that we don’t like as much like biting and then licking and chewing on anything and everything.
Sometimes these instincts go further than we expect and you catch your cat doing something you didn’t realize they were trying to do.
Beau is a very interesting cat. I’d say that he’s so far from what I used to think cats were supposed to be like. All of my life I was told that cats are independent, selfish and don’t really care about their owners, but time and time again… Beau keeps showing us that cats are incredibly caring animals.
Whether it’s Beau always wanting to be held like a baby, Beau always wanting to sit on our laps, Beau vocalizing he misses us when we’re gone, or Beau always wanting to sleep with us, Beau has broken all of the stereotypes.
Aside from all of the quirks above, Beau has one that always gets me laughing. As mentioned, Beau likes to sleep with us and some mornings we wake up after Beau does. Something I didn’t tell you is that sometimes I like to sleep under the covers.
If Beau wakes up before me and sees that I’m under the blankets, he will “mountain climb” me and start pulling the blanket off my head. No joke! Even if I pet him and let him know I’m fine, he will pull the blanket from my face.
I don’t know if it’s because he’s worried about me, or if he’s trying to get my attention or if he just wants to make sure that I’m alright. Even if he’s sleeping right beside me and the covers are on my head he will pull them off of me.
The strangest thing about it is the fact that Beau doesn’t mind sleeping under the covers. I guess to him, he knows that he’ll be alright under there… but he wants to make sure he can tell if I’m doing alright.
I don’t know, what do you think?
Do think that Beau is trying to make sure that I’m alive and well? Or do you think he’s digging me out of the covers for another reason?